Welcome to the trade fair duo

09 – 10 OCTOBER 2024



About us

Behind FOR REC’s mark, there is a team of professionals able to design, realize and manufacture complete technologies for the treatment of solid urban and industrial waste.
Thanks to its important experience, Forrec develops turn-key installations perfect solutions to reduce the managing costs to the minimum.
The Forrec solutions follows a path which start from the analysis of the products, the careful design up to the production and installation and it provides solutions for the transformation of the solid waste.

FOR REC designs and produces 40 models of industrial shredders, powerful and with high performances, designed to face to the most different operative needs.

Forrec produces also hammer mills, for the treatment of metal scraps and granulators, 17 models, used for the refining.
The production of the industrial grinding machines, 21 models, is also an important part of FOR REC production, there are different models in the range and among them there are some machines with innovative performance solutions which have sensibly bettered their reliability and efficacy. The production of conveyors and separators completes the list.

Finally FOR REC has a significant experience in the designing, construction and management of specific installations for different kind of scraps such as: refrigerators, tires, MSW, Weee, metal scraps, hazardous waste, wires and aluminum scraps.
The complete knowledge of all the industrial problems linked to these particular technologies allows FOR REC to tailor make the installations according to the specific productive needs of our customers, to assist them with a complete consultancy and to supply a “turnkey” plant in order for them to get a rapid income.

FOR REC also offers a complete post-sales service cared with professionalism and short time table, goods on stock and programmed maintenances, minimum machines stop and intervention on site guaranteed in 24 hours with specialized operators.

Job offers

Contact information

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