
Process automation - the extended exhibition area at SOLIDS and RECYCLING-TECHNIK Dortmund

The importance of process automation in the bulk solids and recycling industry

The bulk materials and recycling industry is facing increasingly complex challenges: from efficient material processing to compliance with strict environmental regulations. The implementation of process automation plays a crucial role in meeting the requirements throughout the entire production process.

The exhibition area "process automation" at SOLIDS & RECYCLING-TECHNIK Dortmund:

Integrated services

Data integration and data analysis, cloud-based solutions, remote monitoring and remote control, predictive maintenance, real-time communication

HMI (Human Machine Interface)

"HMI" stands for "Human Machine Interface". HMI technologies improve human-machine interaction, increase operator efficiency and help to minimize errors and optimize the overall performance of process automation.

MES (Manufacturing Execution System), PDA (Production Data Acquisition), EMS (Energy Management)

The category MES (Manufacturing Execution System), PDA (Production Data Acquisition), EMS (Energy Management System) comprises various technologies aimed at controlling, monitoring and optimizing production processes in the bulk materials and recycling industry.

Monitoring and control systems

Control systems enable the control, monitoring and automation of production processes in the bulk materials and recycling industry.


In process automation for bulk and recycling materials, various switches can be used to control or monitor electrical circuits.


Sensor technologies enable precise monitoring and control of processes in the bulk materials and recycling industry. They are sometimes used to record physical parameters such as temperature, pressure, humidity, etc.

Advantages of process automation:

Increasing efficiency and reducing costs

By automating processes, greater efficiency is achieved in the handling, sorting and processing of raw materials. This leads to shorter production cycles and increased overall performance.

Automation technologies enable precise control of resources such as energy, water and raw materials. This contributes to more efficient use and can lead to cost savings.

Automation ensures consistent quality of the bulk and recycled materials produced. By precisely controlling process parameters, fluctuations can be minimized, resulting in an uniform end product. This is particularly important in order to meet the increasing demands on material quality and recycling standards.

Automation technologies help to comply with environmental regulations by reducing the consumption of resources, minimizing emissions and promoting the environmentally friendly processing of materials.

Automation reduces the need for manual intervention in hazardous environments. This not only contributes to work safety, but also minimizes the risk of workplace accidents and promotes a healthier working environment. At the same time, it allows employees to focus on more challenging tasks that require human intelligence and creativity.

Modern automation solutions offer the possibility of real-time monitoring and remote control of systems. This enables a rapid response to changes or disruptions in the production process, which maximizes uptime and minimizes downtime.

The implementation of process automation systems enables comprehensive data transparency. This contributes to the traceability of materials, quality control and compliance with regulations.

Automation systems are flexible and can be easily adapted to changing requirements. This enables companies in the bulk materials and recycling industry to adapt quickly to new market conditions, material compositions and environmental requirements.

"SOLIDS Dortmund is a key event for MaintMaster because it is where the granules, powder and bulk solids industry meets - an industry that is heavily dependent on efficient maintenance. As a software provider, SOLIDS offers us the perfect platform to reach companies that want to make their maintenance more efficient and thus optimize their production processes."

Walter Foltin, Managing Director, MaintMaster Systems GmbH

"Process automation is becoming increasingly important for us. I am very much looking forward to finding even more solutions at SOLIDS in the future that will help us to drive automation processes forward in order to become even more efficient in production."

Rene Eyssen, Production Engineer, Merck Life Science KGaA