Facts & figures





Trade visitors from 46 countries*




Synergy between bulk solids and recycling technology industries

Both trade visitors and exhibitors benefited from the synergies created by the parallel trade fairs. The focus was on conveying, storage and handling processes for powders, granulates and bulk solids. These essential processes and the components used for them
play a central role not only in production and processing, but are also of great importance in the recycling and disposal of waste. The combination of the trade fairs creates valuable synergies and additional application possibilities for the technologies presented.

Almost half of SOLIDS trade fair visitors are also interested in RECYCLING-TECHNIK.

More than a third of RECYCLING-TECHNIK trade fair visitors are also interested in SOLIDS.

Visitor structure



Company sizes

Top 10 countries internationally

  • 1st Netherlands
  • 2. belgium
  • 3. poland
  • 4. austria
  • 5 italy
  • 6 spain
  • 7. switzerland
  • 8 Denmark
  • 9 India
  • 10. france


In 2024, SOLIDS and RECYCLING-TECHNIK Dortmund were a meeting place for trade visitors from small and medium-sized companies as well as large corporations.

Visitor industries and occupations

At SOLIDS Dortmund 2024, visitors from the top sectors of the bulk solids industry were looking for solutions along the entire process engineering value chain.

Investment decision-maker

0 %

of visitors are involved in purchasing and procurement decisions within their company.

0 %

of the planned investments are scheduled for the next 1 - 12 months.

Visitor survey

0 %

of visitors rated the interaction with exhibitors as excellent to good.

Reasons for visiting the trade fair

* Difference to 100% possible due to rounding


Trade visitors initiated new business relationships, cultivated existing business relationships and prepared purchases.
Investment projects provide the best basis for successful trade fair participation and follow-up orders.

Exhibitor survey

0 %

of exhibitors rated the importance of SOLIDS & RECYCLING-TECHNIK as a business platform as important to extremely important.

0 %

of exhibitors at SOLIDS & RECYCLING-TECHNIK rated the quality of trade visitors at their stands as excellent to good.

Exhibitor comments

Highlights of SOLIDS & RECYCLING-TECHNIK Dortmund 2024

Two informative trade fair days with a complete framework programme

New exhibition area: Process automation

6 open stages

Over 80 expert presentations

StartUp Area

4 ThemenRouten

Live-Explosionen powered by REMBE®

Side Event Hackathon BULK MASTERS

Presentation of the Invitation Champion Award
